Breaking Down Barriers to Education: Collaboration with the Center for Cities + Schools
It’s one thing to understand that busing kids to schools around the city might be an incomplete solution to disparity in education. Developing a data-based, sustainable plan to address inadequacies and then building the momentum to enact that plan, however — that’s something at an entirely different scale of impact.
Updating SFUSDs Arts Master Plan: A RFP
Seeking an independent consultant to undertake the important task of updating San Francisco School District’s visual and performing arts master plan.
EVENT: How (& Why) Higher Ed. Contributes to Community
We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for a free event focusing on higher education’s role in building just and sustainable communities.
In Support of Teacher Training
We’ve seen sharp declines in enrollment in teacher credentialing programs, high rates of new teacher attrition, and skyrocketing costs of living in comparison to teacher pay. There are ways we can and will combat these factors, however.
CWAE’s Quiet Time Program in the News
In 2007, a school meditation initiative was quietly launched in the San Francisco Unified School District. The district knew that it would be controversial but they needed to find a way to address student stress and trauma when broadly accepted approaches were not effective or scalable enough to transform schools. The Center for Wellness and