Rubicon Programs Inc.

Program Area(s)
Grantee NameRubicon Programs Inc.
Address2500 Bissell Avenue
Richmond CA, 94804
United States

Rubicon Programs provides workforce development services to those Alameda County residents who face significant barriers to employment. Most of Rubicon’s clients receive public assistance, were recently or are currently homeless, have been incarcerated, and/or are chronically unemployed. In 2014 Rubicon Programs will open new workforce centers for individuals receiving public assistance in Hayward and Oakland, reduce and focus its Berkeley programming, and ramp up a comprehensive workforce center in Hayward. This grant from the Fund supports the costs associated with revising Rubicon’s service offerings, curricula, and client flows, and will help establish new service partners and outcome tracking systems.

Grant Amount$35000
Project Dates05/30/14 - 05/30/15
Serving United States/California/Alameda/Richmond

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