Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life

Program Area(s)
Grantee NameMagnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life
AddressUniversity of California, Berkeley
2121 Allston Way
Berkeley CA, 94720
United States
Fiscal AgentUniversity of California Berkeley Foundation

The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life is one of the five largest Jewish artifact-based collections in the world. With support from the Fund, it will stage an exhibit documenting the history and customs of Jews in Kerala, South India. This will highlight a part of the Jewish diaspora that is not well known; the Kerala Jewish community was able to fully integrate with local Muslims, Hindus, and Christians. This Magnes Collection exhibit helps to break down the stereotype of Jewish culture and history as originating exclusively from Europe.

Grant Amount$15000
Project Dates09/25/13 - 09/25/14
Serving United States/California/Alameda/Berkeley
United States/Alabama

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