Urban Adamah

Program Area(s)
Grantee NameUrban Adamah
Address1050 Parker Street
Berkeley CA, 94710
United States

Jewish environmental education center Urban Adamah provides fellowships in Jewish studies to young adults; operates an organic farm that donates produce to low-income individuals; offers a Jewish summer day camp; and provides hundreds of volunteer hours to local hunger organizations. After four years of operation at a temporary site, in 2014 Urban Adamah acquired a plot of undeveloped land in West Berkeley — an ideal home for its farm and education center. This new site allows the group to meet high demand for its hands-on environmental education and its social justice efforts. This permanent home more than doubles Urban Adamah’s ability to teach, feed, and serve.

Grant Amount$150000
Project Dates03/23/15 - 03/23/17
Serving United States/California/San Francisco/Berkeley

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