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Arts Education
To increase creative opportunities for children and youth who otherwise have limited access to studying the arts or to interacting with working artists.
Bay Area Video Coalition -
Bay Area Video Coalition's (BAVC) Digital Pathways program provides 20 low-income youth with two years of intensive training in audio engineering or video production. BAVC now is working to translate the Digital Pathways curriculum into a Web-friendly format suitable for distribution and for use in professional development workshops for teachers. The Fund's grant helps complete training for the final group of Digital Pathways students and pilot the new professional development program.
Grant Amount:
$35,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 03/19/2010 through 03/19/2011
Project Web Site: www.bavc.org
Bayview Hunters Point Center for Art and Technology -
Bayview Hunters Point Center for Art and Technology (BAYCAT) provides digital arts training to youth and adults, focusing on service for low-income residents of the Bayview and Hunters Point neighborhoods. Courses for young people are offered at BAYCAT's Third Street facilities as well as at public schools in San Francisco. In 2011, this project will provide in-depth instruction to 250 youth and coaching to 20 teachers and community center staff members on how to integrate digital arts into curricula and programs.
Grant Amount:
$25,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 10/15/2010 through 10/15/2011
Project Web Site: www.baycat.org
California Alliance for Arts Education -
The California Alliance for Arts Education is the only statewide policy and advocacy entity fighting for quality arts learning for K-12 students. It reads and analyzes proposed education legislation, collaborates with members of California's Education Coalition, and will work to expand a network of local advocacy groups in state counties and districts. The Fund provides general operating support to the Alliance so it can continue to advance arts education and influence public policy.
Grant Amount:
$40,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 09/07/2010 through 09/07/2011
Project Web Site: www.artsed411.org
California College of the Arts -
California College of the Arts' Community Student Fellows Program places art students in paid internships to enhance arts learning opportunities for children and youth. Fellows come from a range of creative disciplines and work from eight to ten hours per week at their placements. Support from the Fund will help the College sustain last year's growth and continue to improve its fellowship training program to the benefit of Bay Area youth.
Grant Amount:
$50,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 11/22/2010 through 11/22/2011
Project Web Site: www.cca.edu
California Poets in Schools -
California Poets in Schools places published poets in classrooms statewide, where they provide students with lessons in creative writing. Along with providing matching funds to schools serving low-income students, the Fund's grant invests in local area coordinators to help coach and place new poet-teachers.
Grant Amount:
$18,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 11/01/2010 through 11/01/2011
Project Web Site: www.cpits.org
Cantare Con Vivo -
Cantare Con Vivo makes high-quality choral music available and accessible to Bay Area audiences. With support from the Fund, it provides free in-school and after-school choral music education to 1,300 students in the Oakland Unified School District. It leads two classes per week at five elementary schools; and middle and high school students at 14 Oakland schools participate in its youth ensemble programs.
Grant Amount:
$10,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 09/01/2010 through 09/01/2011
Project Web Site: www.cantareconvivo.org
Center for the Art of Translation -
The Center for the Art of Translation offers an innovative arts curriculum that strengthens students' language skills by teaching them to translate poetry from great Spanish and Cantonese literature and to write poetry in those languages. In the coming year, the Center will provide three days of instruction in its curriculum to six San Francisco and Alameda County public school teachers. These teachers and Center staff will then refine the pilot program so it can expand to benefit more Bay Area schools.
Grant Amount:
$25,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 05/17/2010 through 05/17/2011
Project Web Site: www.catranslation.org
Chinese Cultural Productions -
Chinese Cultural Productions, presents school assemblies and teaches after-school classes at three San Francisco elementary schools that serve a significant number of Chinese students. Recently, the group leased a South of Market studio to use for rehearsals and, potentially, a small dance school. The Fund's grant supports the group's after-school program and its hiring of a planning facilitator to analyze the feasibility of creating a dance school to extend its dance instruction.
Grant Amount:
$15,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 12/13/2010 through 12/13/2011
Project Web Site: www.lilycaidance.org
The Crucible -
The Crucible offers training in the fine and industrial arts. Noting the preponderance of young men in industrial arts classes, the Crucible created its Gear Girls program to encourage young women and girls to learn sculpture techniques. They are offering four age-appropriate, intensive classes in kinetic sculpture, foundry, welding, and art bike creation. Each class will help engage twelve girls or young women in art fields in which females are underrepresented.
Grant Amount:
$15,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 09/30/2010 through 09/30/2011
Project Web Site: thecrucible.org
Dance Brigade -
Serving students of all ages, Dance Brigade presents dance classes in a range of traditions. The Fund supports Dance Brigade's Grrrl Brigade, a multicultural dance and drumming education and performance program. Reaching 240 girls in two age groups last year, this vibrant program benefits low-income Mission District families. No student is turned away from Grrrl Brigade for inability to pay and at least half of its participants pay no tuition or reduced tuition.
Grant Amount:
$15,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 05/07/2010 through 05/07/2011
Project Web Site: www.dancebrigade.org
Destiny Arts -
The Destiny Arts curriculum combines training in self-defense, choosing a healthy lifestyle, dance, and music. It encourages youth to find creative and peaceful solutions to conflicts in their lives. This W&EHF grant funds Destiny's after-school, weekend, and summer programs that serve 300 youth annually at 22 East Bay schools, plus another 9,000 people through performances and workshops. Tuition subsidies and scholarships are offered for all on-site programs.
Grant Amount:
$30,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 06/30/2010 through 06/30/2011
Project Web Site: www.destinyarts.org
Drawbridge -
Drawbridge places working artists in 10 Bay Area shelters and transitional housing sites to lead art groups for over 700 homeless and formerly homeless children. The program emphasizes building participants' self-esteem, honoring them with high-quality materials and instruction, and introducing them to culturally diverse art practices. The Fund supports these efforts to provide art instruction to vulnerable children. It encourages Drawbridge to increase individual donations by requiring a 1:1 match for $10,000 of this grant.
Grant Amount:
$20,000 [2010] $10,000 conditional
Project Dates: 07/09/2010 through 07/09/2011
Project Web Site: www.drawbridge.org
East Bay Performing Arts on behalf of the Oakland East Bay Symphony -
The Oakland East Bay Symphony, part of the recently merged East Bay Performing Arts organization, makes classical music accessible to individuals who would otherwise lack the opportunity to hear live symphonic music. Its Music for Excellence program provides free services to 20,000 young people each year. Offerings range from in-school and after-school music classes led by professional musicians, to weekend practice clubs, to concerts in which young musicians play with the Symphony. The Fund's grant helps to sustain these robust and thoughtful programs.
Grant Amount:
$40,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 11/01/2010 through 11/01/2011
Project Web Site: www.oebs.org
Imagine Bus Project -
Imagine Bus Project's after-school program provides school year and summer art classes at five schools and community centers serving low-income students. The Project hires and trains high-quality art teachers, developing a curriculum based on California Visual and Performing Arts standards. Its semester and year-long workshops receive support from the Fund to provide and improve arts education opportunities.
Grant Amount:
$25,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 09/01/2010 through 09/01/2011
Project Web Site: www.imaginebusproject.org
Leap...imagination in learning -
Leap...imagination in learning places artists and architects in public schools and after-school programs to lead art and design lessons. It serves a large number of Bay Area public schools, including 16 in San Francisco. The organization strives to deepen and sustain the residencies it currently operates and to strengthen its professional development offerings for teaching artists so that participants can receive quality arts education.
Grant Amount:
$20,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 09/24/2010 through 09/24/2011
Project Web Site: www.Leap4kids.org
Loco Bloco Drum and Dance Ensamble -
Loco Bloco Drum and Dance Ensemble introduces Latino and Afro-Caribbean music, drumming and dance forms to youth at after-school sites in three high-need San Francisco neighborhoods. Loco Bloco's advanced company of youth artists also performs at a variety of San Francisco benefits, parades, and street festivals. The Fund challenges Loco Bloco to raise at least $10,000 in individual gifts and business sponsorships in order to receive its matching grant. Such support would halve an anticipated budget shortfall for 2009 and enable Loco Bloco to continue to provide underprivileged youth with multicultural arts education.
Grant Amount:
$10,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 09/30/2009 through 09/30/2010
The Marsh -
The Marsh is a well-regarded theater center developing new works by solo performers. Its Marsh Youth Theater provides thriving after-school and summer programs to students aged 2 to 19. Participants learn all aspects of creating theatrical performances. As students develop their skills, they have opportunities to join one of three performing ensembles. With support from the Fund, the Marsh Youth Theater will provide 635 students from Mission District public schools with theater arts education in 2011.
Grant Amount:
$20,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 07/26/2010 through 07/26/2011
Project Web Site: www.themarsh.org
Media Enterprise Alliance -
Fiscal Sponsor: Community Initiatives
Based within KDOL, the Oakland Unified School District's educational access television station, Media Enterprise Alliance provides an arts and technology institute for public high school students. Each term, students select and research a theme, interview community experts, and address their theme through short films, news programs, and public service announcements. At present, the Alliance's 50 participants come from four Oakland public schools. Most attend Oakland International High School, which serves students from dozens of countries.
Grant Amount:
$15,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 12/01/2010 through 12/01/2011
Project Web Site: www.meaoakland.org
Music National Service Initiative -
Music National Service Initiative, founded two years ago, asserts that musicians and artists play important roles in the national service movement. It is currently focusing on deepening and evaluating its San Francisco and Oakland MusicianCorps program. Corps members work full time, four days a week, to create service projects with their students. In 2010-11, the Initiative will train and place four musicians in San Francisco and Oakland public schools and at a hospital.
Grant Amount:
$45,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 11/04/2010 through 11/04/2011
Project Web Site: www.musicnationalservice.org
Musical Traditions -
Musical Traditions, the formal name of the Paul Dresher Ensemble, creates and performs original compositions that utilize both acoustic and electronic instruments. For example, in 2006, it created a new work for virtuoso percussionist Steve Schick that uses large, invented instruments. In the spring of 2011, Musical Traditions will offer schools short performances by Schick combined with lessons in percussion and the physics of sound. This arts education program is expected to reach 1,200 students.
Grant Amount:
$10,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 12/08/2010 through 12/08/2011
Project Web Site: www.dresherensemble.org
National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts -
The National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts, an arts education service organization, plans to hold its 2010 national conference in San Francisco. This conference will engage attendees in technical assistance workshops, networking opportunities, and discussions of recent research and emerging trends. A local host committee is planning sessions and site visits that highlight exemplary local arts programs. The Guild estimates that a quarter of conference participants will come from the Bay Area.
Grant Amount:
$5,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 05/07/2010 through 05/07/2011
Project Web Site: www.nationalguild.org
Northern California Music and Art Culture Center, Inc. -
Northern California Music and Art Culture Center offers after-school classes in both Western classical and traditional Korean music and dance. Advanced students can join a performing ensemble that appears at parades and festivals. With support from the Fund, the Center is creating a new 45-member ensemble that unites Asian and African-American youth to learn and perform Korean and African percussion. This effort fosters cross-cultural understanding between the two communities.
Grant Amount:
$15,900 [2010]
Project Dates: 12/01/2010 through 12/01/2011
Project Web Site: www.ncmacc.org
Oakland Unified School District Visual and Performing Arts Department -
Oakland Unified School District works to strengthen arts learning opportunities by encouraging English teachers to increase their use of theater in classrooms. With support from the Fund, the Oakland Tech drama teacher will work with eight or more district English teachers from middle and high schools, providing six daylong workshops on topics such as Shakespeare and turning oral history into narrative. Each participating teacher will be responsible for developing and testing at least one unit of instruction that involves theater.
Grant Amount:
$35,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 12/14/2010 through 12/14/2011
Project Web Site: www.ousd.k12.ca.us
Oakland Youth Chorus -
Originally formed as a teen performing group, the Oakland Youth Chorus now provides one of the largest music education programs for Oakland public schools, working with some 1,000 students per year at 23 sites. Its curriculum is clearly aligned with California's Visual and Performing Arts framework, and it reaches many children who otherwise would not have opportunities to study music. The Fund's grant is helping the Chorus address both programmatic and organizational development goals identified in its strategic plan.
Grant Amount:
$30,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 07/11/2008 through 07/11/2011
Project Web Site: www.oaklandyouthchorus.org
Opera Piccola -
Opera Piccola's ArtGate program serves Oakland public schools, connecting resident teaching artists with students for in school and after school arts education. The Fund's grant helps Opera Piccola staff and board focus on developing a workable long-term plan in response to cuts in contracts and contributions.
Grant Amount:
$25,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 05/20/2010 through 05/20/2011
Project Web Site: www.opera-piccola.org
Out of Site -
Fiscal Sponsor: Tides Center
Out of Site provides after-school classes in visual and performing arts to more than 200 San Francisco public high school students, around 75% of whom come from low-income families. Its rigorous semester-long classes can be used to fill high school graduation requirements. To stimulate new and increased gifts from individuals, the Fund's $25,000 general operating grant to Out of Site incorporates a $5,000 challenge match.
Grant Amount:
$25,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 09/22/2010 through 09/22/2011
Project Web Site: www.outofsite-sf.org
Performing Arts Workshop -
Performing Arts Workshop's arts education programs benefit from dynamic leadership, excellent relationships with schools, an effective board of directors, and prudent financial policies. It emphasizes teaching the creative process as an intellectual practice which can be applied to any field of learning. Its programs include classes in creative movement, theater arts, creative writing, world dance, and music. General operating support from the Fund helps finance the Workshop's in- and out-of-school arts education programs.
Grant Amount:
$45,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 09/30/2010 through 09/30/2011
Project Web Site: www.performingartsworkshop.org
Ruby's Clay Studio and Gallery -
The "Mud Bus," operated by Ruby's Clay Studio and Gallery, brings clay, tools, and glazes to three youth centers in Bayview-Hunters Point and Visitacion Valley-locations that would otherwise lack ceramics instruction materials. The bus transports student works to the kiln at Ruby's for firing and then returns the completed projects to the students. Forty youth are expected to participate in classes culminating in an exhibit at Ruby's gallery. The Fund's grant covers Mud Bus costs for one semester.
Grant Amount:
$15,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 04/12/2010 through 04/12/2011
Project Web Site: www.rubysclaystudio.org
San Francisco Camerawork -
San Francisco Camerawork's First Exposures program teaches photography to low-income and runaway youth. Professional photographers are trained as mentors and then paired with teens who are referred to Camerawork by a network of youth programs. In 2011, First Exposures will oversee 88 youth-mentor pairs and help an additional 175 students to learn photography through classes presented at youth service organizations and transitional housing programs.
Grant Amount:
$15,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 07/26/2010 through 07/26/2011
Project Web Site: www.sfcamerawork.org
San Francisco Chanticleer -
San Francisco Chanticleer continues to develop its multifaceted arts education program. It provides training for general and choral music instructors, class visits, in-school clinics for choral groups, concerts for youth, and festivals for both leading regional middle school choruses and for high school choruses from across the country. A new Chanticleer effort will form the LAB Choir, a competitively selected chorus of youth singers from the region.
Grant Amount:
$15,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 10/15/2010 through 10/15/2011
Project Web Site: www.chanticleer.org
San Francisco Conservatory of Music -
In the coming year, Conservatory in the Schools will place professional music teachers and 20 San Francisco Conservatory of Music students into six in-school and after-school settings across the San Francisco Unified School District. There, teachers and Conservatory students will provide music instruction to more then 1,000 elementary and middle school students, many of whom will receive twice weekly instruction for free.
Grant Amount:
$20,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 11/01/2010 through 11/01/2011
Project Web Site: www.sfcm.edu
San Francisco Opera Association -
In 2008, the San Francisco Opera Association began developing a comprehensive opera education program serving local K-12 public school students. It placed artists in 10 public schools so that they could lead workshops which culminated in performances of original pieces created with students. Teachers benefited from professional development workshops as well. With support from the Fund, the Opera will expand this program to new schools, increase program hours, pilot a program for high schools, and respond to the needs of individual educators.
Grant Amount:
$50,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 11/22/2010 through 11/22/2011
Project Web Site: www.sfopera.com
San Francisco Unified School District -
Fiscal Sponsor: San Francisco School Alliance Foundation
A trend toward local control has placed more power over budget decisions in the hands of school principals. Because of this, the San Francisco Unified School District receives Fund support to develop an arts leadership program for principals. The project works upon recommendations from the Principal Leadership Institute at the University of California, Berkeley. It presents 16 principals from different neighborhoods with eight intensive arts experiences. These, combined with practical problem-solving sessions, help to foster arts education in public schools.
Grant Amount:
$60,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 11/22/2010 through 11/22/2011
Project Web Site: www.sfusd.edu
Stagebridge -
Stagebridge is the oldest senior theater in the country. It began offering intergenerational programs in 1996, placing professional artists and senior storytellers in East Bay public schools to both perform and teach. Stagebridge strengthens students' listening concentration and their oral and written communication skills. With W&EHF support, the group will sustain storytelling residencies in seven Oakland public schools, offering workshops, performances, professional development, and a new curriculum.
Grant Amount:
$25,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 08/06/2010 through 08/06/2011
Project Web Site: www.stagebridge.org
StageWrite -
Fiscal Sponsor: Intersection for the Arts
StageWrite's Building Literacy through Theatre program successfully strengthens the reading and speaking skills of low and very low-achievement students at two public elementary schools in San Francisco. Through this Fund-supported program, students write short plays and then direct their teachers, friends, or professional actors in performances of them. StageWrite also provides professional development for teachers and teaching artists.
Grant Amount:
$15,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 03/15/2010 through 03/15/2011
Project Web Site: www.stagewrite.org
Streetside Stories -
Streetside Stories provides students with in- and after-school workshops in relating oral, written, and digital stories. The Fund's support helps Streetside to strengthen its core program with intensive professional development for staff and rigorous evaluation. Streetside will serve 1,500 young people in San Francisco and Alameda counties in 2010-11 as well as lay the groundwork for its program's future expansion. At least 60% of Streetside Stories students are low-income and 25% are learning English.
Grant Amount:
$35,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 09/07/2010 through 09/07/2011
Project Web Site: www.streetside.org
Teaching Artists Organized -
Fiscal Sponsor: Community Initiatives
Artists hired to teach and mentor students in classrooms and in community centers play a major role in delivering arts education to young people. Communities, however, often have a poor understanding of the value of this work and artists involved frequently receive only minimal compensation for their efforts. Emerging service organization, Teaching Artists Organized, works against this trend by operating a job-listing Web site and by sponsoring professional development and networking opportunities for artists.
Grant Amount:
$10,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 05/07/2010 through 05/07/2011
Project Web Site: www.teachingartistsorganized.org
Visual Understanding in Education, Inc. -
Visual Understanding in Education trains teachers to present a curriculum developed in conjunction with museum professionals to enhance student understanding of visual arts. The curriculum introduces young people to works of art and invites them to talk about their observations, back up their ideas, and consider other interpretations. Visual Understanding's professional development sessions are particularly effective when introduced within museums, so the Fund's grant supports more museum-based sessions. It also supports increased time with teachers and follow-up support at the 23 participating schools.
Grant Amount:
$10,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 09/22/2010 through 09/22/2011
Project Web Site: www.VisualThinkingStrategies.org
Young Musicians Program -
Fiscal Sponsor: Regents of the University of California
The Young Musicians Program transforms the lives of low-income youth through pre-professional music education. Through the Program, students ranging in age from 9 to 18 receive an average of nine hours of classes per week, plus additional classes in an intensive summer session. The Fund's grant supports the Program's Scaling Up project further investing in tutors, faculty, and specialized classes so more students are better positioned to succeed in higher education.
Grant Amount:
$50,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 07/06/2010 through 07/06/2011
Project Web Site: www.ymp.berkeley.edu
Youth Movement, Inc. / Youth Movement Records -
Youth Movement Records pairs urban teens with recording industry professionals for mentoring in music production. A grant from the Fund helps Youth Movement to respond to student demand by expanding a program of small group and individual music lessons in guitar, piano, bass, drums, and vocals that currently serve approximately 25 students each semester.
Grant Amount:
$20,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 09/22/2010 through 09/22/2011
Project Web Site: www.youthmovementrecords.org
Cultural Commons
Fostering shared understanding and a stronger sense of community through participation in the arts.
Alameda County Arts Commission -
The 100 Families program uses art to address breakdowns in relationships among family members and within neighborhoods and communities. The Alameda County Arts Commission replicates this model program to engage families in areas where community relationships are frayed--near Highland Hospital in East Oakland, at the Alameda County Juvenile Justice Center, and in low-income areas particularly affected by the economic downturn. The resulting artwork will be exhibited in the neighborhoods where it was created as well as in Commission-run galleries, helping to strengthen community relationships.
Grant Amount:
$15,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 09/30/2010 through 09/30/2011
Project Web Site: www.acgov.org/arts
Center for Cultural Innovation -
Many arts nonprofits need to cut budgets and staff positions at the same time that they need to pay for workshops, consultants, or conferences to acquire and hone necessary skills. In response to this situation, grantmakers in San Francisco, San Jose, and Los Angeles have created a pooled Creative Capacity Fund that is managed by the Center for Cultural Innovation. This fund awards arts organizations and artists with $500 or $1,000 grants to pay for professional development. The Fund's grant helps this initiative respond to the high level of need evidenced from San Francisco groups.
Grant Amount:
$25,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 05/07/2010 through 05/07/2011
Project Web Site: www.cciarts.org
Community Music Center -
The Community Music Center offers affordable, high-quality music education and public performances that serve a broad cross-section of the local population. The Fund provides general operating support to the Center so that it can continue to steadily increase enrollment and provide additional scholarship support. The Center recently adopted a five-year plan to gradually expand the number of students and audience members it serves by 25%.
Grant Amount:
$50,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 11/22/2010 through 11/22/2011
Project Web Site: www.sfcmc.org
Epiphany Productions -
Epiphany Productions creates new dance works and annually commissions site-specific dance works from Bay Area choreographers that are presented as part of "Trolley Dances." For three days in October 2010, these site-specific pieces were presented for free along San Francisco's N-Judah streetcar line. Engaging public schools along the route, the performances reached more than 3,500 people. Epiphany Productions also is working with Refugee Transitions to involve refugees in creating an original work to be presented at ODC Theater and, for free, at Oakland's World Refugee Day. The Fund supports these programs that engage a diverse population in contemporary dance.
Grant Amount:
$10,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 09/30/2010 through 09/30/2011
Project Web Site: www.epiphanyproductions.com
Foundation Center -
Each October, the Foundation Center helps local arts organizations to develop sustainable fundraising plans and to learn about current arts funding trends through its program of classes, panels, and workshops. Most of these Arts Month programs are free to the public and attendance has grown to near a thousand participants. The program, supported by the Fund, highlights strategies for navigating tough economic times and encourages creative new fundraising ideas.
Grant Amount:
$2,500 [2010]
Project Dates: 09/22/2010 through 09/22/2011
Project Web Site: www.foundationcenter.org/sanfrancisco
Grantmakers in the Arts -
Grantmakers in the Arts is the national service organization serving the field of arts philanthropy with publications, a Website, regional gatherings, and an annual conference. Its 2010 conference in Chicago carries forward a discussion of how foundations can respond to the current economic climate. The Fund's grant helps support the significant arts education content that will be presented in a one-day pre-conference and be part of the main conference. This material will reach the broader arts field via podcasts and publications in the Grantmakers in the Arts Reader.
Grant Amount:
$5,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 09/06/2010 through 09/06/2011
Project Web Site: www.giarts.org
La Peña Cultural Center -
Founded in the 1970s in response to the military coup in Chile, La Pena Cultural Center has developed into a nationally recognized presenter of traditional music from around the world, a forum for cross-cultural and cross-generational exchange, and a site for community members to take classes in music, dance, and theater. It fosters an array of grassroots arts efforts, from community choruses to teen hip-hop groups. La Pena's mission of contributing to positive social change by creating understanding among people of different cultures is closely aligned with the Fund's Arts goals. A core support grant helps with implementation of a strategic plan, leadership and succession planning, and piloting of arts education programming in East Bay public schools.
Grant Amount:
$40,000 [2010]
$40,000 [2011]
Project Dates: 11/27/2007 through 11/27/2011
Project Web Site: www.lapena.org
Pew Charitable Trusts -
In 2007, the Walter & Elise Haas Fund joined funders from across the state in launching the California Cultural Data Project—working to strengthen the arts and culture sector by collecting and disseminating high-quality longitudinal data. The Project database can create trend reports for nonprofits, as well as reports that compare a nonprofit's data to other organizations of similar size, type, or field. With three years of data compiled, the Project is becoming an increasingly useful research source
Grant Amount:
$30,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 12/01/2010 through 12/01/2011
Project Web Site: www.culturaldata.org
Playwrights Foundation -
Playwrights Foundation helps plays-in-progress attain increased authenticity by identifying people with a close affinity for the plays' subject matter and involving them in free "Rough Readings." When playwrights hear their work read in front of people familiar with its milieu, the experience and feedback offered helps them to improve the final product. Playwrights Foundation works with many artists of color and its Rough Readings engage culturally diverse community groups in a high-quality, free program.
Grant Amount:
$15,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 03/19/2010 through 03/19/2011
Project Web Site: www.playwrightsfoundation.org
QCC-the Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Art and Culture -
Queer Cultural Center (QCC) presents an annual arts festival that corresponds with San Francisco's Pride Parade. Responding to the need for increased communication and crossover between immigrant artists and San Francisco's established LGBT arts community, QCC developed a curatorial committee of queer immigrants to organize BorderOUT. The BorderOUT showcase of queer immigrant artists' work draws attention to the voices of artists marginalized by race, ethnicity, language, culture, and sexual orientation.
Grant Amount:
$10,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 05/17/2010 through 05/17/2011
Project Web Site: www.queerculturalcenter.org
Radar Productions -
Radar Productions produces free events featuring LGBT writers who--despite very different backgrounds, ages, and life experiences--create work which resonates thematically, often addressing questions of equality of opportunity for all members of society. These events serve a multicultural and multi-generational audience. Due to library budget cuts, Radar Productions sought the Fund's assistance in sustaining the series of free readings it presents at the San Francisco Public Library.
Grant Amount:
$7,500 [2010]
Project Dates: 09/22/2010 through 09/22/2011
Project Web Site: www.radarproductions.org
San Francisco Chamber Orchestra -
The San Francisco Chamber Orchestra is the region's oldest professional chamber orchestra. In 2005, it instituted a free admission policy and a membership program. Anyone can attend a concert for free, but members may reserve seats. The Orchestra presents a home series of concerts as well as shorter performances at the Contemporary Jewish Museum and at Freight and Salvage Coffee House in Berkeley. The W&EHF supports the Orchestra's programming, which reaches more than 6,000 people, many of whom say that free admission makes their attendance possible.
Grant Amount:
$10,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 09/01/2010 through 09/01/2011
Project Web Site: www.sfchamberorchestra.org
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art -
Elise Haas was deeply involved in the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, founding its conservation department. The museum celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2010 and recently acquired a major new collection. Both developments have increased demands on its conservation staff. The Fund's grant provides general operating support for the conservation department at a time when it is monitoring and conserving the works on exhibit, and while it is working with outside specialists to explore new methods for collection preservation and storage.
Grant Amount:
$60,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 04/02/2010 through 04/02/2011
Project Web Site: www.sfmoma.org
San Francisco Performances -
San Francisco Performances educates audiences about the performing arts, reaching people who might not ordinarily seek out a chamber music recital, jazz concert, or dance performance. Its artist-in-residence program features four or five individual artists, duos, or ensembles each year. These resident artists perform free public school programs and neighborhood events and participate in affordable family concerts and adult education programs. Free offerings in 16 Bay Area public schools bring 2,700 students in direct contact with these artists. The Fund supports these efforts to provide free and low-cost music and dance education programs to a broad cross section of Bay Area residents
Grant Amount:
$50,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 04/02/2010 through 04/02/2011
Project Web Site: www.performances.org
Yerba Buena Arts and Events -
Managing free public outdoor performances and cultural events at Yerba Buena Gardens and Jessie Square, Yerba Buena Arts and Events reaches thousands of Bay Area residents each year. The Fund's grant helps sustain this diverse, high-quality program of behalf of San Franciscans and visitors who cannot afford ticketed events.
Grant Amount:
$30,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 04/09/2010 through 04/09/2011
Project Web Site: www.ybae.org
Preservation of Cultural Heritage
To support preservation of cultural heritage, particularly among recent immigrants.
Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival -
When Europeans arrived in California they found more than fifty native tribes, each with a distinct language. Many of those tribes were dispersed and their languages were lost. To resist further loss, Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival gathers native Californians biannually at UC Berkeley. There, campus scholars work with native Californians to create pronunciation guides and dictionaries and they immerse themselves in speaking indigenous languages. Among languages being revived are those spoken by Ohlone, Miwok, and Pomo tribes of the Bay Area.
Grant Amount:
$5,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 04/12/2010 through 04/12/2011
Project Web Site: www.aicls.org
Alliance for California Traditional Arts -
The Alliance for California Traditional Arts supports and sustains all forms of folk and traditional arts. Many of the artists the Alliance serves are recent immigrants or indigenous Californians working to preserve their cultural traditions in the face of declining opportunity and income. The Fund's grant supports the Alliance in providing grants, technical assistance, development contracts, and apprenticeships to artists and organizations in San Francisco and Alameda counties.
Grant Amount:
$120,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 07/06/2010 through 07/06/2011
Project Web Site: www.actaonline.org
Asian Art Museum -
In 2011, the Asian Art Museum will produce a multifaceted exhibition of Balinese art and culture. The Museum will coordinate with dozens of Bay Area organizations in order to both develop programs that feature local Balinese groups and in order to bring in master artists from Bali. It will include artist demonstrations and hands-on activities in shadow puppetry, masks, making offerings, and traditional dress. A new musical work, Makrokosma Bali, also will premiere as part of the exhibition. The Fund supports these efforts to build relationships among the local Indonesian communities.
Grant Amount:
$25,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 08/20/2010 through 08/20/2011
Project Web Site: www.asianart.org
Chhandam Chitresh Das Dance Company -
Pandit Chitresh Das is an internationally acclaimed Indian kathak dancer whose Chhandam Chitresh Das Dance Company operates a school and offers classes in classical Indian dance around the Bay Area. The Fund's grant supports this dance company in completing a strategic plan, strengthening its youth company, and producing a major festival of Indian classical dance in San Francisco in the Fall of 2010.
Grant Amount:
$40,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 04/27/2010 through 04/27/2011
Project Web Site: www.kathak.org
Croatian Cultural Center -
The Croatian Cultural Center offers classes in the traditional performing arts of Croatia and the Balkans. In recent years, its constituents have shifted from a primarily Croatian population to one that encompasses Balkan immigrants and refugees including Romani, Bulgarians, Hungarians, and Bosnians. The Center's cultural programming is extraordinary for navigating the national, ethnic, and religious tensions among these groups. In 2011, with assistance from the Fund, it will produce four cross-cultural festivals, culturally specific programs, and a children's dance program. The center serves 20,000 people, 80% of them of Balkan descent.
Grant Amount:
$25,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 09/30/2010 through 09/30/2011
Project Web Site: www.croatianamericanweb.org
CubaCaribe -
Fiscal Sponsor: Dance Brigade
The annual CubaCaribe Festival, held over a three-week period, offers eleven performance and educational events featuring outstanding local, national, and international Caribbean artists. With support from the Fund, the 2010 festival focused on artists from Haiti and New Orleans, illustrating the long history of cultural exchange these communities share. The well-attended Festival strengthens the modest but thriving community of Caribbean artists in the Bay Area.
Grant Amount:
$7,500 [2010]
Project Dates: 03/19/2010 through 03/19/2011
Project Web Site: www.cubacaribe.org
Gamelan Sekar Jaya -
Gamelan Sekar Jaya is a widely acclaimed ensemble of Balinese musicians and dancers. Each year the ensemble hosts outstanding artists from Bali who teach classes and develop new material with local musicians and dancers. In 2010, Gamelan Sekar Jaya is hosting two extraordinary guest dance directors who will visit public schools, lead after-school classes, and work with professional artists. These efforts broaden public awareness of Balinese art forms and keep the nuances of these forms alive among local artists.
Grant Amount:
$10,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 04/02/2010 through 04/02/2011
Project Web Site: www.gsj.org
Korean American Community Center -
Each August the Korean American Community Center presents a two-day contemporary and traditional Korean arts festival featuring major artists from Korea and the United States. The festival's programs attract thousands of people to events at Union Square and the Palace of Fine Arts. Managed by a loyal group of volunteers, the Festival contributes to the retention of Korean cultural traditions.
Grant Amount:
$10,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 05/20/2010 through 05/20/2011
Los Cenzontles Mexican Arts Center -
Los Cenzontles Mexican Arts Center offers music and dance classes in traditional and popular Mexican genres that are attended weekly by 200 children and youth, manages a critically acclaimed group of touring musicians, and produces community events. Its Cultures of Mexico in California project uses DVDs and CDs developed by Los Cenzontles as centerpieces for community events that also incorporate live performances, lecture-demonstrations, and discussion. This project's goal is to facilitate the generational transfer and preservation of traditional art forms from Mexico within the Bay Area's Mexican American community; to bring together recent immigrants from Mexico with second- and third-generation Mexican Americans on a subject of common interest; and to educate the broader public about authentic versions of these art forms.
Grant Amount:
$30,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 11/21/2008 through 11/21/2011
Project Web Site: www.loscenzontles.com
API Cultural Center / Oakland Asian Cultural Center -
Alameda county's current Mongolian population exceeds 5,000. The API Cultural Center in Oakland's Chinatown serves as an important venue for these Mongolian-Americans and for other members of the region's diverse Asian population. Since 2009, the Center has partnered with the "Ger" Youth Center to offer classes in Mongolian dance. Support from the Fund helps the Center expand its Mongolian cultural offerings to include classes in language and calligraphy, fostering cultural pride in an under-resourced community.
Grant Amount:
$10,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 09/24/2010 through 09/24/2011
Project Web Site: www.oacc.cc
World Arts West -
World Arts West sustains culturally specific dance in Northern California, strengthening networks within recent immigrant communities and building bridges between different cultures. Its auditions and main stage events serve new immigrant groups, and second-, third-, and fourth-generation residents. The Fund provides general operating support for World Arts West's ethnic dance festival and helps the organization create other opportunities for ethnic dance artists.
Grant Amount:
$50,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 04/02/2010 through 04/02/2011
Project Web Site: www.worldartswest.org
East Bay Center for the Performing Arts -
Based for 30 years in the historic Winters Building in Richmond, California, the East Bay Center for the Performing Arts is one of the region's leading community cultural centers, offering classes and performance opportunities to 480 students on site and an additional 1,100 students in Richmond public schools. A $10 million capital campaign is enabling it to purchase the Winters Building, make required seismic and other safety code upgrades, and expand available theater, office, and classroom spaces within the building. The Fund's grant is awarded as a challenge to other funders for contributions in the range of $25,000-$350,000.
Grant Amount:
$25,000 [2010]
Project Dates: 07/11/2008 through 07/11/2010
Project Web Site: www.eastbaycenter.org