Walter & Elise
Haas Fund

2018 Annual Report

We invest in our Bay Area neighbors because doing so fosters a more just and vibrant society for current and future generations.

Our Take
On The Year

Looking back at — and learning from — 2018.

Letter from the Board President

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The past year has been one of growth and transition for all of us at the Walter & Elise Haas Fund. As we faced a series of challenges in responding to shifts in public policy, and as we continued to see costs of living in the Bay Area soar, we channeled those concerns into commitment and action.

Working in partnership with our peers in philanthropy and government, the Fund continued to address the barriers to equity in the Bay Area. We renewed our support for HOPE SF, a project redefining how public housing can support thriving communities. Responding to growing need, we increased our support for the vital safety net services that keep families fed, safe, and housed. In Oakland, the Fund supported ICA Fund Good Jobs, a project that helps develop small businesses so those businesses can bolster the community with the kind of good jobs that offer benefits and advancement opportunity.

In public schools, the Walter & Elise Haas Fund celebrated the successes of programs like Trellis Education, which trains and supports a growing field of STEM teachers unburdened by education debt. We see, with the benefit of perspective and time, how the seed funding we offered to nascent Jewish organizations in previous years has helped launch a new wave of compelling, exciting organizations built around inclusivity and multi-faith collaboration. Capital projects also received Fund support in 2018, such as our grant to the Community Arts Stabilization Trust (CAST), which helps non-profit arts organizations continue to serve San Franciscans in the face of rising real estate costs.

All of this work, and more like it, comes thanks to the strength and commitment of our community. As the Board President of the Walter & Elise Haas Fund, I fully understand how the lion’s share of the effort — and the credit — belongs to the grantees we are honored to support.

I also want to extend my gratitude to Jamie Allison, who is now starting her second year as the Fund’s Executive Director. We, the trustees, appreciate her thoughtfulness, patience, good humor, and judgement as she stepped into the lead role at the Fund.

On behalf of the Walter & Elise Haas Fund, thank you for working alongside us.

Peter E. Haas, Jr.
Board President

Letter from the Executive Director

Dear Friends,

Joining the Walter & Elise Haas Fund has been — and continues to be — a privilege and a joy. I’ve been blessed to join a compassionate and effective philanthropic organization with a longstanding record of bringing access and opportunity to all Bay Area residents.

As I integrated myself into the Fund’s work in 2018, I joined my new colleagues in supporting the arts, economic security, education, Jewish life, and safety net services. You can gain some additional insight into where and how we’ve focused efforts in each of those program areas over the past year in this report.

In my first year as executive director, the staff, trustees, and I took the opportunity to reassess the Fund’s work with fresh eyes. We reevaluated everything from our internal procedures to the impact we want to make through grantmaking. In one such instance, we undertook a review of Safety Net grantmaking over that program’s first ten years. Sadly, the need for basic support — food and housing — was even greater in 2018 than it was during the peak of the 2008 recession, when the program was launched.

Median rents and the Self-Sufficiency Standard both increased by nearly 50% in the past decade. As one result of this, the number of San Francisco Unified School District students experiencing homelessness also increased — by nearly 200%. Seeing this cascading growth in demand reinforced our commitment to continuing and even increasing the budget of our Safety Net Program, which had been envisioned as temporary.

The challenges before us are great, but we are not discouraged. We are invigorated by our work with you to make the Bay Area more just, vibrant, and healthy.

During 2018, I met many of the leaders connected to the Fund. And the more I learn about your work, the greater my optimism about what comes next. There is an incredible spirit among Fund grantees. Your resourcefulness and creativity are deeply uplifting.

I’m joyful that the community, board, and staff of the Fund have welcomed me so warmly and that you all continue to offer such an estimable example of what heart and will can accomplish.

Thank you for including me in this work.

Jamie Allison
Executive Director

Program Areas


The Fund’s Arts program emphasizes access to and participation in the arts for everyone. In 2018, our grantees brought arts education to hundreds of Bay Area schools, including many where arts-learning resources would otherwise be limited. Presentations in parks, on trolleys, and along sidewalks reached thousands of appreciative people of all ages, for free. Artistic excellence brought to life by Fund Arts grantees was evident on the region’s stages, in its galleries, and elsewhere.

But 2018 was also difficult for the Bay Area arts community. The tragic Oakland Ghost Ship warehouse fire in late 2017 took the lives of too many and its effects continue to reverberate. Other grantees were evicted or faced unmanageable rent increases as soaring costs of living challenged the solvency of nonprofit employees. Yet, art invites us to live our values, wrestle with difficult ideas, and negotiate with beauty, resilience, and courage. Fifteen new media and performing artists embarked on challenging new Creative Work Fund projects in 2018, and the joy of that creation awaits us.

Arts Portfolio By Strategy

50 %

Arts Education


35 %

Cultural Commons


15 %

Creative Work Fund


Organization Strategy Amount
Advaita Society Arts Education $0
American Conservatory Theatre Foundation Arts Education $0
Bay Area Girls Rock Camp Arts Education $0
Bayview Hunters Point Center for Arts and Technology Arts Education $0
Bayview Hunters Point Center for Arts and Technology Arts Education $0
Berkeley Repertory Theatre Arts Education $0
Blue Bear School of Music Arts Education $0
Brava! for Women in the Arts Arts Education $0
California Alliance for Arts Education Arts Education $0
California Poets in the Schools Arts Education $0
Cantare Con Vivo Arts Education $0
Center for Art + Public Life, California College of the Arts Arts Education $0
Community Music Center Arts Education $0
Dance Brigade Arts Education $0
Destiny Arts Center Arts Education $0
Each One Reach One Arts Education $0
Living Jazz Arts Education $0
Loco Bloco Drum and Dance Ensemble Arts Education $0
Oakland Ballet Company Arts Education $0
Oakland Leaf Foundation Arts Education $0
Pro Arts Arts Education $0
Ragged Wing Ensemble Arts Education $0
San Francisco Arts Education Project Arts Education $0
San Francisco Jazz Organization Arts Education $0
San Francisco Youth Theatre Arts Education $0
Stagebridge Arts Education $0
The Beat Within Arts Education $0
The Cutting Ball Theater Arts Education $0
Women’s Audio Mission Arts Education $0
Young Musicians Choral Orchestra Arts Education $0
Youth Art Exchange Arts Education $0
Youth Speaks Arts Education $0
Z Space Studio Arts Education $0
Aggregate Space Gallery & Leila Weefur Creative Work Fund $0
Chinatown Community Development Center & Lenora Lee Creative Work Fund $0
Collective Impact & Sophie Constantinou Creative Work Fund $0
Del Sol Performing Arts Organization & Alam Khan Creative Work Fund $0
Djerassi Resident Artists Program & Weidong Yang Creative Work Fund $0
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights & Jane Greenberg Creative Work Fund $0
Family Caregiver Alliance & Anna Fitch Creative Work Fund $0
Filipino Advocates for Justice & Esy Casey Creative Work Fund $0
Gamelan Sekar Jaya & Brenda Wong Aoki Creative Work Fund $0
Jewish Family and Community Services East Bay & Sam Ball Creative Work Fund $0
Movement Generation & Yvan Iturriaga Creative Work Fund $0
Our Family Coaliton & Kaitlin McGaw Creative Work Fund $0
Taiko Community Alliance & Franco Imperial Creative Work Fund $0
The Dance Brigade a New Group from Wallflower Order & Nkeiruka Oruche Creative Work Fund $0
The Museum of the African Diaspora & Jo Kreiter Creative Work Fund $0
3rd i South Asian Independent Film Cultural Commons $0
Anne Bluethenthal & Dancers Cultural Commons $0
Circus Bella Cultural Commons $0
Circus Bella Cultural Commons $0
Crosspulse Cultural Commons $0
CubaCaribe Cultural Commons $0
Cultural Data Project Cultural Commons $0
Diamano Coura West African Dance Company Cultural Commons $0
Epiphany Productions Sonic Dance Theater Cultural Commons $0
Gamelan Sekar Jaya Cultural Commons $0
Golden Thread Productions Cultural Commons $0
Grantmakers in the Arts Cultural Commons $0
Heyday Cultural Commons $0
Jess Curtis/Gravity Inc. Cultural Commons $0
Joe Goode Performance Group Cultural Commons $0
Los Cenzontles Mexican Arts Center Cultural Commons $0
Music at Kohl Mansion Cultural Commons $0
Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir Cultural Commons $0
Open Architecture Collaborative, Inc. Cultural Commons $0
RADAR Productions Cultural Commons $0
San Francisco Zine Fest Cultural Commons $0
Small Press Distribution Cultural Commons $0
The Poetry Center and American Poetry Archives Cultural Commons $0
Tibetan Association of Northern California Cultural Commons $0
Tibetan Association of Northern California Cultural Commons $0
World Arts West Cultural Commons $0
Yerba Buena Arts & Events Cultural Commons $0

Economic Security

The Fund’s Economic Security program grantees contributed to a more just Bay Area by focusing on five areas: entrepreneurship, workforce training, job creation, increasing financial assets, and removing the barriers that trap working families in cycles of poverty. While unemployment, generally, is at a historic low, a significant portion of families here still struggle. Even full-time employment leaves many Bay Area households without the ability to meet their daily needs. Income inequality, job quality, and the rising cost of living, too, remain ongoing concerns for too many.

In 2018, W&EHF supported organizations addressing these issues head-on, through direct service, advocacy, and by developing innovative tools designed to bolster economic security and mobility for Bay Area residents.

Economic Security Portfolio By Strategy

41 %

Workforce Development


37 %

Build and Protect Assets


22 %

Public Policy and Systems Change


Organization Strategy Amount
Asset Funders Network Build and Protect Assets $0
Centro Community Partners Build and Protect Assets $0
Closing the Women’s Wealth Gap Initiative Build and Protect Assets $0
Earned Assets Resource Network Build and Protect Assets $0
La Cocina Build and Protect Assets $0
Mission Asset Fund Build and Protect Assets $0
Small Business Majority Foundation Build and Protect Assets $0
California Asset Building Coalition Public Policy and Systems Change $0
California Reinvestment Coalition Public Policy and Systems Change $0
FUSE Corps Public Policy and Systems Change $0
Golden State Opportunity Foundation Public Policy and Systems Change $0
Legal Aid at Work Public Policy and Systems Change $0
Public Rights Project Public Policy and Systems Change $0
San Francisco Financial Justice Project (City and County of San Francisco) Public Policy and Systems Change $0
San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association Public Policy and Systems Change $0
Tax Alliance for Economic Mobility Public Policy and Systems Change $0
Women’s Foundation of California Public Policy and Systems Change $0
Bay Area Workforce Funding Collaborative Workforce Development $0
Inner City Advisors Workforce Development $0
International Rescue Committee Workforce Development $0
Restaurant Opportunities Centers ROC United Inc. Workforce Development $0
Rising Sun Energy Center Workforce Development $0
SFMade, Inc. Workforce Development $0
Upwardly Global Workforce Development $0


The Fund’s 2018 Education program grantmaking focused on teachers as our most effective lever for improving public education and elevating student academic performance. For local school districts, recruiting and retaining committed, qualified teachers is a major challenge. Best practice dictates that one-to-one mentoring, apprenticing with master teachers, supplemental training, and having a content-specific focus area all are must-haves if we want to boost teacher retention — and we do. Placing teachers in schools in a way that encourages long term commitment and builds teacher expertise is a long-term endeavor, and one that must be customized and contextualized to suit the school and district.

The Fund’s current Education grantmaking supports district-level interventions and nonprofit programs aimed at reducing the teacher shortage and improving the quality of teachers in Bay Area public schools.

Education Portfolio By Strategy

43 %

Teacher Practice


38 %

Teacher Retention


19 %

Teacher Pipeline


Organization Strategy Amount
Black Teacher Project Teacher Pipeline $0
Internationals Network for Public Schools Teacher Pipeline $0
Oakland Unified School District Teacher Pipeline $0
OUSD Office of Equity Teacher Pipeline $0
Partnership for the Future of Learning Teacher Pipeline $0
Public Advocates Inc. Teacher Pipeline $0
Trellis Teacher Pipeline $0
Bay Area Parent Leadership Action Network Teacher Practice $0
Black Teacher Project Teacher Practice $0
Envision Education Teacher Practice $0
Internationals Network for Public Schools Teacher Practice $0
Oakland Kids First Teacher Practice $0
OUSD English Language Learner and Multilingual Achievement Office Teacher Practice $0
OUSD Office of Equity Teacher Practice $0
Partnership for the Future of Learning Teacher Practice $0
Public Advocates Inc. Teacher Practice $0
San Francisco Unified School District Teacher Practice $0
Surge Institute Teacher Practice $0
Alameda County Office of Education Teacher Retention $0
Bay Area Parent Leadership Action Network Teacher Retention $0
Black Teacher Project Teacher Retention $0
Envision Education Teacher Retention $0
Internationals Network for Public Schools Teacher Retention $0
New Teacher Center Teacher Retention $0
OUSD Office of Equity Teacher Retention $0
Partnership for the Future of Learning Teacher Retention $0
Public Advocates Inc. Teacher Retention $0
San Francisco Unified School District Teacher Retention $0
Springboard Collaborative Teacher Retention $0
UC Berkeley Graduate School of Education sponsored by Regents of the University of California Teacher Retention $0

Jewish Life

The Fund’s Jewish Life grantees faced a difficult year in 2018, with record-high rates of anti-Semitism on top of attacks on immigrants, Muslims, people of color, women, and the bedrock values of democracy. Our grantees met these challenges with commitment and compassion. Grantees protested, supported immigrant families facing separation, and used the moral suasion of faith communities to advocate for the rights of all. Our grantees stood in solidarity with vulnerable people of all faiths, embodying the call of tikkun olam — or “repairing the world”.

At the same time, Fund Jewish Life grantees continued to provide ways for the diverse community that seeks a place at the Jewish table to engage with Jewish texts, ideals, and values. Our grantees help people find joy and comfort in tradition, which sustains us through difficult times.

Jewish Life Portfolio By Strategy

58 %

Building Partnerships for Social Justice


37 %

Diversity is a Strength


5 %

Innovation is an Imperative


Organization Strategy Amount
Anti-Defamation League Building Partnerships for Social Justice $0
Auburn Theological Seminary Building Partnerships for Social Justice $0
Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice Building Partnerships for Social Justice $0
Board of Trustees of the Glide Foundation Building Partnerships for Social Justice $0
Hebrew Free Loan Association of San Francisco Building Partnerships for Social Justice $0
Jewish Community Relations Council of San Francisco, Marin and the Peninsula Building Partnerships for Social Justice $0
Jewish Family and Community Services East Bay Building Partnerships for Social Justice $0
Jewish Social Justice Roundtable Building Partnerships for Social Justice $0
Jewish Youth for Community Action Building Partnerships for Social Justice $0
MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger Building Partnerships for Social Justice $0
Music at Kohl Mansion Building Partnerships for Social Justice $0
National Council of Jewish Women Incorporated Building Partnerships for Social Justice $0
San Francisco Interfaith Council Building Partnerships for Social Justice $0
Shalom Bayit Building Partnerships for Social Justice $0
Center for LGBTQ and Gender Studies in Religion and Ministry Diversity is a Strength $0
Dimensions Educational Consulting Diversity is a Strength $0 Diversity is a Strength $0
J Street Education Fund Diversity is a Strength $0
Jewish Community Center of San Francisco Diversity is a Strength $0
Jewish Community Center of the East Bay Diversity is a Strength $0
Keshet Diversity is a Strength $0
Leichtag Foundation Diversity is a Strength $0
New Israel Fund Diversity is a Strength $0
San Francisco Jewish Film Festival Diversity is a Strength $0
SVARA Diversity is a Strength $0
Tawonga Jewish Community Corporation Diversity is a Strength $0
The Contemporary Jewish Museum Diversity is a Strength $0
The Kitchen: Slow Down, Jew Up Innovation is an Imperative $0
UpStart Bay Area Innovation is an Imperative $0

Safety Net

Created in response to the 2008 recession and marking its 10th year of existence in 2018, the Fund’s Safety Net program recognizes the growing number of people experiencing homelessness and food insecurity in the Bay Area. In 2008, a family of four in San Francisco needed to earn $62,182 to be self-sufficient. Now, that same family needs to earn $117,400. Until more families can meet their basic needs, safety net organizations remain crucial.

The Fund will continue to bolster those critical organizations that help people with emergency shelter, stable housing, and eviction defense and with home-delivered meals, groceries, and congregant dining halls. The Safety Net program also supports policy and advocacy groups working to facilitate access to the benefits to which people in need are entitled. For each of these organizations, there is a common theme; they meet each person where they are, taking care not only of physical needs, but also recognizing the humanity within us all.

Safety Net Portfolio By Strategy

50 %

Housing & Homeless Prevention


37 %



8 %

Policy & Emerging Needs


5 %

Information & Referral


Organization Strategy Amount
Alameda County Community Food Bank Food $0
Bay Area Community Services Food $0
Bayview Hunters Point YMCA Food $0
Board of Trustees of the Glide Foundation Food $0
Davis Street Community Center Food $0
Meals on Wheels of San Francisco Food $0
Mercy Retirement Care Center Food $0
Project Open Hand Food $0
San Francisco Marin Food Bank Food $0
Society St. Vincent de Paul of Alameda County Food $0
St. Anthony Foundation Food $0
A Safe Place Housing & Homeless Prevention $0
Abode Services Housing & Homeless Prevention $0
Asian Women’s Shelter Project Housing & Homeless Prevention $0
Catholic Charities CYO of The Archdiocese Of San Francisco Housing & Homeless Prevention $0
Catholic Charities of the East Bay Housing & Homeless Prevention $0
Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund Housing & Homeless Prevention $0
Compass Family Services Housing & Homeless Prevention $0
Cornerstone Community Development Corporation Housing & Homeless Prevention $0
East Bay Community Law Center Housing & Homeless Prevention $0
Episcopal Community Services of San Francisco Housing & Homeless Prevention $0
Eviction Defense Collaborative Housing & Homeless Prevention $0
Family Emergency Shelter Coalition Housing & Homeless Prevention $0
Hamilton Family Center Housing & Homeless Prevention $0
International Rescue Committee Housing & Homeless Prevention $0
La Casa de las Madres Housing & Homeless Prevention $0
Providence Foundation of San Francisco Housing & Homeless Prevention $0
Raphael House of San Francisco Housing & Homeless Prevention $0
Eden I & R Inc Information & Referral $0
United Way of the Bay Area Information & Referral $0
California Food Policy Advocates Policy & Emerging Needs $0
Inequality Media Policy & Emerging Needs $0
Simply the Basics Policy & Emerging Needs $0





Economic Security






Jewish Life



Safety Net






2018 financial information, including audits, tax returns and investment performance, can be found on our website.




Economic Security




Jewish Life


Safety Net




Total Grantmaking


 General Operating Support  Project Support  Capital