Cooking Up Big Ideas in The Kitchen
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Can you create spaces for people to gather and do Jewish things together that are meaningful, inspirational, and well-designed? Can Judaism be curated? These were questions that Fund grantee The Kitchen wanted to understand. A small group of us pondered these questions over two days with IDEO, the global design and innovation firm based in San Francisco. It was eye-opening to be guided through a process that allowed us to explore the intersection of religion, design, social justice, and community building. Big ideas that were distilled to colorful post-it notes. Many, many post-it notes. Congratulations to Rabbi Noa Kushner and Executive Director Yoav Schlesinger for asking the questions and for setting our community compass in a new direction.
Jessica Carew Kraft’s article shares some of the insights gleaned.
The Kitchen is funded through our Jewish Life program, which seeks to foster a vibrant, inclusive Jewish community in the Bay Area with opportunities for engagement in Jewish life and participation in the broader pluralistic society. Read more and browse our grantmaking in this area.