
Program Area(s)
Grantee NameStageWrite
Address1640 Taraval Avenue
San Francisco CA, 94116
United States
Fiscal AgentIntersection for the Arts

StageWrite provides quality theater residences to children in those San Francisco public schools that contain high percentages of low-income children. It works in-depth with participants, using a curriculum that maps to students’ abilities as they progress from kindergarten through fifth grade. StageWrite’s residencies meet Visual and Performing Arts standards in theater, while also addressing grade level English-language arts standards. All StageWrite programs honor students’ thoughts and feelings, whether participants are acting out interactive story dramas, exploring elements of narration, or creating original two-character plays.

Grant Amount$20000
Project Dates02/21/14 - 02/21/15
Serving United States/California/San Francisco/San Francisco

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