Library and Literacy Foundation for San Joaquin County & Robert Dawson

Program Area(s)

Photographer Robert Dawson is documenting the culture of public libraries and literacy programs in San Joaquin County—collaborating with the Library and Literacy Foundation for San Joaquin County. While collecting images, he also will gather stories of how people use the libraries and literacy programs; and photographic historian and curator Ellen Manchester will research contextual information. In addition to an exhibition of large prints, they will provide digital copies to branch libraries and community spaces, and manage a website and media campaign. Robert Dawson’s 1982-93 photographic study of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys culminated in the traveling exhibition and book, The Great Central Valley: California’s Heartland. Since then, he has worked on a national study of public libraries. Founded in 1990, the Foundation supports family and community literacy programs and works on improving and expanding public library services in Stockton and San Joaquin County.

Grant Amount$0.00
Project Dates03/13/25 - 03/13/26

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