American Friends Service Committee & Pancho Pescador

Program Area(s)

The American Friends Service Committee’s youth-led organizing committee 67 Sueños is collaborating with Oakland-based artist Pancho Pescador to create up to three murals examining the millions of low-income migrants who may be left out of immigration policies under discussion by the federal government. The murals will be placed in Oakland’s Fruitvale and “Deep East” communities where many immigrants reside. Under Pescador’s guidance, up to 50 participants will be involved in the production and painting of the murals. Pancho Pescador melds traditional muralist sensibilities with arte callejero techniques popular to urban youth aesthetics. Born in Chile, he has painted more than 30 murals in Oakland. The American Friends Service Committee is a Quaker organization that promotes lasting peace with justice as a practical expression of faith in action.

Grant Amount$0.00
Project Dates03/13/25 - 03/13/26

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