Pam David Quoted in the Chron
Steven Winn’s story, SF Bay Area Philanthropy Runs Deep, which appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle on Sunday October 20, 2013, gives a look back to philanthropy in San Francisco from the Gold Rush to the digital age. Executive Director, Pam David, is quoted in the article remarking on the notable contributions from Jewish philanthropists.
Haas Sr. Grantees on the Slingshot List
W&EHF has long admired the creativity and entrepreneurship of our grantees. It’s particularly satisfying when our views are validated by a national organization. The 2013/14 Slingshot list of the 50 most innovative Jewish organizations was just released and we are pleased to note that five of our current grantees and one previous grantee made the
10/28 Phone System Up at the Fund
Trying to reach us on the phone? The Fund is was having a temporary outage of our phone service, which we hope to resolved this morning. by Monday afternoon, October 28th If you ever need to reach us without using a phone, try email: For grant-related inquiries: [email protected] For all other inquiries: [email protected] Thanks!